Continuing Professional Development
Code of Practice
The RTAC Code of Practice requires ART clinics to demonstrate the Competency of Personnel in order to attain accreditation, and one aspect of this is ensuring ongoing professional development for staff.
In New Zealand, the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act (2003) stipulates that all health practitioners be registered with the Medical Sciences Council of New Zealand (MSCNZ) and must demonstrate their competence in order to be issued an Annual Practicing Certificate (APC).
The Medical Sciences Council NZ has accredited the following CPD Programme Providers for Medical Laboratory Scientists:
- New Zealand Institute of Medical Laboratory Science (NZIMLS)
- Australasian Association for Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine Inc (AACB)
- RNew Zealand Hospital Scientific Officer’s Association Inc
In contrast in Australia, there are no legislative requirements as yet from the Australian Government, nor requirements set by the industry, for IVF Scientists to use a recognised CPD scheme.
However it is acknowledged that the use of an appropriate system, consistent among clinics, will facilitate employers and accreditation bodies such as RTAC to monitor competency of IVF Scientists; this is important in maintaining standards and enhancing our professional status within our industry. CPD schemes provide a method by which professional activities are recorded and assesed, including continuing education, formal courses and a wide range of professional activities which contribute to your professional growth (such as attendance at SIRT meetings).
To this end, the FSA offers free access for SIRT members to the APACE (Australasian Professional Acknowledgement of Continuing Education) CPD scheme offered by AIMS (Australian Institute of Medical Scientists).
Further details are available HERE. Current SIRT members who wish to join need to ensure their details are current with the FSA and then send a request to or fill out the form here.