Health Professionals
The Preconception Health Special Interest Group (PCH-SIG) and the Fertility Coalition* are proud to launch the first eight in a planned series of fact sheets summarising current evidence relating to factors affecting fertility and ART outcomes. These fact sheets have been written for health professionals who care for couples trying to conceive and can be downloaded here.
Topics covered so far
The fact sheets have been written by PCH-SIG Members Clare Boothroyd, Sheryl de Lacy, Mark Green, Karin Hammarberg, Gill Homan, Cailin Jordan, Louise Johnson, Lisa Moran, Rob Norman, and Caroline Smith.
We hope you find the fact sheets helpful and welcome your feedback and suggestions for other topics to be covered.
* A partnership between the Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority (VARTA), Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, Robinson Institute and Andrology Australia,
Patient information
We asked patients:
“What three things would you like Fertility Clinics to know would make a difference in supporting you through treatment?”
Here’s how they replied…