Codes of Practice history and purpose
The original set of standards promoted by the Fertility Society of Australia, known as “Guidelines for Centres using Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in Australia and New Zealand”, was first introduced in 1986. In 1987, RTAC was established and added explanatory notes to many of the original standards drawn up by the FSA. This initial code was revised in 1992, 1997, 2001 and 2005. It was fully rewritten in 2008 with revisions in 2010, 2014, 2017 and 2021. In 2015, an International version of the Code was released and was reviewed in 2018.
The purposes of the RTAC Codes of Practice are to:
- Promote continuous improvement in the quality of care offered to people accessing fertility treatment.
- Provide a framework and set criteria for the auditing process that leads to accreditation of organisations that deliver fertility services.
- Ensure the auditing process is carried out in an independent, non-adversarial and constructive manner.
Underlying Principles
1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023
RTAC Scheme & Code of Practices
There are two Codes of Practice, namely the Australian and New Zealand Code of Practice and the International Code of Practice. The RTAC Scheme Rules defines the requirements for bodies providing audit and certification to these Codes of Practice, and is supported by the Scheme Supplement 1 which is an ART Unit application form for certification to the RTAC Code of Practice, and Scheme Supplement 2 which is an audit report template for use by Certification Bodies when assessing compliance with an RTAC Code of Practice.
To locate an accredited Certification Body please visit the JAS-ANZ Website.
Please contact Kim O’Dea should you require further information.
If you wish to make a complaint regarding the conduct of your treating fertility unit we recommend that you speak to your treating unit directly.
If your complaint is not adequately resolved and you believe that the treating unit might be in breach of the RTAC Code you are welcome to make contact with Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee (RTAC) via: RTAC@fertilitysociety.com.au.
All other complaints should be directed to the appropriate health complaints authority in your area:
QLD - Office of the Health Ombudsman
NSW - Health Care Complaints Commission
VIC - Health Complaints Commissioner
TAS - Health Complaints Commission
SA - Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner
WA - Health and Disability Services Complaints Office
RTAC Committee
- Chairperson (appointed by FSANZ Board)
- Deputy Chairperson (appointed by FSANZ Board)
- Nominee of the Medical Directors Subcommittee of the FSANZ
- Nominee of the Australian and New Zealand Infertility Counsellors Association (ANZICA)
- Nominee of Fertility Nurses of Australasia (FNA)
- Nominee of Scientists in Reproductive Technology (SIRT)
- Consumer Representative
Dr Chris Copeland
Dr Anne Clark
Deputy Chair / IVF Directors Group Representative